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BCC Fantasy Cricket 2022


Sat in the Angel earlier on this year, a group of mainly third team cricketers came up with a revolutionary, never been done before idea - let's run a fantasy cricket game based on Baildon CC players! After the next four hours were wasted talking about benchmarking performances; the fantasy committee, led by lead fantasist Simon Bullock came up with the following game...


Pick 11 players from 5 player pools, with no more than 3 from each pool, you must pick a designated wicket keeper (but you can only have one - so you can't have Adam Dean and Tom Pickles for example).  You have a maximum budget of £50m to pay for your squad. Player's values are based on a formula which was created using their 2021 performances. 


Points are scored as follows; 1pt per run, 20 per wicket, 10 per catch or stumping. Only performances in senior league Saturday matches will count towards a player's score. (Friendly games, junior games, cup games, Sunday League games - do not count).


It costs £5 to enter, a prize will be worked out based on the number of entrants. We will also give a bonus prize to the team with the best name (that is safe to be published on our social media channels!). To enter please pay £5 into the cricket club bank account (Sort Code 20 11 81 Account Number 40109576) with the payment reference of Fantasy XI and your surname and then e-mail your team to Simon Bullock:


The closing date for entries is Friday 22nd of April (so you can take a look at the opening performances in our Bradford league sides before picking your team if you want).  The player pools are as follows;





First Team

£12m   Dwayne Heke

£10m   Kev Mcdermott

£7m     Jonny Reynolds

£6m     Will Kelly

£6m     Haris Hussain

£5m     James Ford (wk)

£5m     Aakash Dutta

£5m     Joel Newlove

£5m     Umar Zahoor

£5m     Usman Shakir

£5m     Mounam Ejaz

£1m     Dan Atkinson

Second Team

£9m    Stefan Mather

£8m    Ben Grimmitt

£7m    Chris Reynolds

£7m    Sam Kelly

£6m    Darren Wilson (wk)

£6m    George Barker

£5m    Simon Mcdermott

£4m    Sam Wilkinson

£4m    Louis Turner

£3m    Jake Terry

£3m     Ross Todd

£3m     Brett Kinsey

£3m     Adam Dean (wk)

£3m     Jamie Abbott

£3m     Danny Hunt

£1m     Adam Hussain

Third Team

£8m  Dave Hodgson (wk)

£7m  Dan (Mini) Metcalfe

£7m  Paul Hannam

£6m  Harry Brook-Dobson

£4m  Josh Capper

£4m   Tawseef Ahmed

£4m   James Butterfield

£4m   Sam Holmes

£3m   Tawquir Ahmed

£3m   Zulfi Mohammed

£2m   Simon Bullock

£2m   Tom Pickles (wk)

£2m   Tom Dixon

£1m   Dan Grimmitt

£1m   Jack Ryan

Fourth Team

£5m   Tim Joy

£5m    Will Baker

£4m    Jamie Denison

£4m    Lucas Shaw

£4m    Andy Norton

£4m    Akeel Ahmed

£2m    Owen Pickles

£2m    Parth Sunil

£2m    Sufyan Mahmood

£1m    Billy Cawley

£1m    Leela Modhwadia

£1m    Ash Free

£1m    John Lovatt

£1m    Ben Fawkes

£1m    Leo Smalley

£1m    Sam Miller

£1m    George Birss

£1m    Sam Butterfield

£1m    Zeeshan Ahmed

£1m    Will Heard


The Occasionals

£1m   Lee Miller

£1m   Oliver Williams

£1m   Redford Holdsw'th

£1m   Fran Raper

£1m   Nate Holdsworth

£1m   Marc Pickles

£1m   Thomas Walker

£1m   Chris Williams

£1m    Tony Mather

£1m    Joe Murphy


Please note that the fantasy committee's decisions are final. The above ratings and team positions are only done to help structure the game - we have not set out to offend anyone in terms of their position or score, so please do not take offence! Certain players above have artificial ratings, this is either because they were injured last year or were playing for a different team.

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