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Cricket is back - but not quite as we know it!

Writer's picture: James ButterfieldJames Butterfield

As the kids say at Christmas - one more sleep! Cricket returns to Jenny Lane tomorrow and amidst all the excitement and anticipation, we just need to remind everyone that there are some major changes to be aware of thanks to our old friend - Covid-19!

Firstly, and most importantly, we must stress that no spectators are allowed to enter either our Jenny Lane or our Belmont (Sandal Primary School) grounds. This is a rule passed down by government that we have to obey. Please tell your parents, friends, relatives, neighbors and anyone you can think of who might just turn up un-announced to see you get clean bowled first ball. Hopefully this will be reviewed and changed by the time of the next relaxation of the rules in mid-May.

If you are coming to our ground to take part in the hospitality offered from our joint club sports bar, you are welcome to sit at one of the pre-arranged drinking tables and order table service. Drinks can only be consumed when sat in this area and cannot be taken outside of this setting. All current pub rules apply, rule of six, wear your mask if you go to the toilet etc.

If you've just read the second and third paragraph and think there is a massive contradiction in my words - then yes, you are right. Sadly, we have to follow the rules laid down by the government and anyone breaking these rules will be asked to leave. Please work with us in these uncertain times and cross your fingers that in time, everything will get back to normal.

There will be QR codes on the tables for drinkers to scan to register their details for track and trace purposes. All cricketers (both home and away) and any accompanying team officials all need to scan a different QR code. This is located in the window of the changing rooms. If you don't have a smart phone and are unable to scan the QR poster, there is a register just inside the changing room door, please complete this instead.

Please remember that all home players should congregate on the top side of the ground (along the wall on the opposite side of the lane) and the opposition players should gather in the area in front of the double garage at the bottom end of the ground. Don't forget your hand sanitiser and most importantly, only travel to the ground if you are fit and healthy and not displaying any of the obvious corona virus symptoms.

Finally, don't forget that the changing rooms are closed and are only in use as the gent's toilet. The ladies toilet is still in the main bar area, accessed by the front door.

Please enjoy the cricket, stay safe and help us reach a point in the season where we can stop having to remind you all about rules and guidelines and risk assessments! (please see below for the ECB's current guidance in full)

Off the Field:

• Following the move to Step 2, outdoor areas at hospitality venues can reopen to serve customers in groups of up to 6 people or 2 households.

• Clubhouses are permitted to serve food and beverage to customers outdoors in accordance with government COVID guidance for restaurants and bars, which includes: o At any premises serving alcohol, customers will be required to order, be served and eat/drink while seated (even if no alcohol is ordered). o If a hospitality venue does not serve alcohol, then customers will be able to order and collect food and drink from a counter, but must consume food and drink while seated at a table. o Venues may allow customers to use toilets, baby changing rooms or breast feeding rooms located inside.

• From Step 2, hospitality venues will also be allowed to provide takeaway food and alcohol. Takeaway food and drink (including alcohol) must not be consumed on the premises or adjacent to the premises. Updates to the Checklist (Appendix 1) and the Risk Assessment Template (Appendix 2) have been made to reflect this. Key Messages

• This guidance is for organised cricket in England at Step 2 of the UK Government Roadmap out of Lockdown from 12 April 2021 until further notice.

• This guidance will be updated at Step 3 of the UK Government Roadmap out of Lockdown (no earlier than 17 May 2021). • Clubs and venues are required to carry out a COVID Risk Assessment and to put in place control measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19 during organised cricket.

• This guidance provides both playing and venue (staging) advice on how to control and minimise those risks whilst enjoying cricket safely.

• Everyone attending an organised cricket activity should carry out a self-assessment for COVID symptoms before leaving home and follow NHS and PHE self-isolation procedures if they are symptomatic.

• No one who is required to self-isolate should attend an organised cricket activity. • Cricket is by nature a socially distanced game and social distancing should be maintained on the field wherever possible.

• Off the field, social distancing guidelines and legal gathering size limits must be observed – at Step 2 this means the Rule of 6 or a group made up of two households (a group made up of two households can include more than 6 people, but only where all members of the group are from the same two households (or support/childcare bubbles, where eligible)).

• Changing rooms must remain closed except for disabled persons and emergency requirements. Participants should arrive in their kit ready to play and should return home in their kit.

• Clubhouses including social and hospitality facilities must remain closed, but toilet and hand washing provision is permitted subject to risk assessment, occupancy limits, suitable ventilation and frequent and effective cleaning.

• Hygiene breaks in play are required every 6 overs or 20 minutes for non-match play activities.

• Participants should bring their own food and drink and drinks bottles should not be shared.

• There is a legal requirement to record participant and attendee contact details for the purposes of NHS Test and Trace and clubs and venues must ensure that data is collected in accordance with data protection law.

• Spectators are not currently permitted at Step 2. This does not apply to carers for people with disabilities, adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role or patrons attending the venue for hospitality. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.

• Some cricket facilities are required by law to collect and maintain records of the contact details of visitors, customer and staff in accordance with the law (see the ‘NHS Test and Trace’ section below). However this does not apply to all facilities (for example, outdoor cricket facilities in public places where it is not possible or practical to collect information from all spectators), so you should check the NHS Test and Trace guidance to see if this applies to you. As an example: o A cricket club in a public open space will not be required to ‘patrol’ the boundary collecting the contact details of everybody walking through the park and stopping to watch the cricket, but should continue to collect contact details of any person on site interacting with the clubhouse area, any seating areas provided by the club or interacting with any other club owned and/or operated facility. o It is recommended clear demarcation is created to keep players and members of the public separate.

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